Well, now doesn't matter!
Ok every choise you make, brings consecuences, you know it! And every time you have to leave something more, you lose something to try to win something else. You have to take riks in your life, because if you don't, it will be boring.
Well, if you choise brings you happyness, congratulation! The post ends for you!
Now for the bitter and sad persons, I know that feel bro! I can understand pretty well what is the frustration, what is think a lot about a decision and finally when you get enough corage, it results in a very bad decision... Ya ya.. Everyone says the same "If you learn something it wasn't a bad decision", well guess what? It's a bad decision, and it cost to you something and a someway (Comodin words win).
Ok, now what? Yoy plan get sad for the rest of your life? Pff! What a shame of you! Go on, keep living, confront the situation, solve the problem! Or are you dead? Well if that is the case I'm sorry for you, it was a really bad situation and you don't even learn anything! But hey! Others will learn from your mistakes! Well... If it was something public... If not... Ok forget that.
My point is, you need to continue with your life, yeah you have right to be sad.... But just for a moment! Then it's time to the next, the next gamble! Life is excited! You need more mistakes in your life, it's good material for inspiration, the desperation is always a good motivation stuff... I hate it... But it works.
Your instinct for survive will be activated! Use it for bigger challenges!
Don't surrender yet! Well actually, surrend in that thing, and change for another better.
It's ok, you have time, you are alive. it worth!
What do you bet for a very happy day?
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