You know what is funny? I don't know what I told you before is real and what not. I mean, how can I be sure that what I am telling you at this moment is real, I think everything is tricky, I always manipulate the information according with the situation. Or, maybe everything was real, in each different moment.
Think about it, I am capable to change my mind, I can choose what is good and what is bad for me, I can rewrite every thought about facts or people, I fed one idea or another, then I am able to feel with more intensity every ilusion that I create. So for a moment I probably was be very indiferent, then I was complete crazy about that idea, and then it is like "bah it's not the big deal".
Every feeling is fed by ourselves, if we forgot feed it, will die eventually, if you never think about it, that idea will disapear. That's why if you feel bad, you need to distract yourself and then make different activities... Then you can replace the pain or the same, with another memory. Or try a something new!
It's always real, but I always have to work with every idea that I want to conserve.
My mind is clear now, I am the one who make the choises, and this time, I chose lose all that memories, create a bad feeling about it and never look back.
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