Mi estado de Animo del dia

Chaos! Fixing everything!

lunes, diciembre 07, 2015

Sometimes you just need accept it

There are many things we want to do in our life, but some of us don't meet limits and when we trace our goals, we aim to high and don't measure the impact... On the other hand there are many factor influencing the nature of the world, and thus we really don't have control of the situation. We only have our decisions, and sometimes, they are not enough.

The promise to make personal projects, to have a healthy life, to have better habits and leave the vices. The good day when you will be a better person... That time when you will change, never comes. And all that good choices you do o and fail because other people decisions and the random number generator (in real life).

We become frustrated by what happens and the lack of control, but there are one thing we can do in those cases: Accept it. You know what you can control, and what you can do. You know your limits, and you also know when is time to leave and let go. You need to clean your life, you can't have a long to do list, it's simply insane.

There are people out there, whom really don't care what you do or who you are, nevertheless, you don't need care about it, you can try the times you considerate enough and, if they don't be agreed, you just let it go and change the plan.

Stop with the frustration, because is never healthy, and you probably don't get anything good. You should fight, but you need to know when give up and change the strategy.

"You can do anything, but you can't do everything".

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