Mi estado de Animo del dia

Chaos! Fixing everything!

jueves, mayo 14, 2015

That time when i don't hate the life

I don't know why sometimes i have those moments, but they feel nice! It is like i want really have a long and good life. When i realize that there is a lot of thing i want to do.

It's like have a good new, or smile for fun, smell a good scent, or see something beautiful.

Yeah, I know "desire makes us miserable" (Buddhism word)... But that's ok, because i feel good when that happens. Is that life? Or is that happiness? Perhaps be happy is only for the present, but the imagination is so powerful, i can feel it and maybe never happen.

Great, I feel so excited about that, maybe these little moment are my most powerful motivations to keep trying hard.

I want to do so many things so i need to do a list, maybe another day i going to burn it, because sadness! No problem, more good times will appear. I don't hate people for have better life than me (At this moment...), they motivate me in a negative way...

For now, i going to enjoy my moment, maybe tomorrow i going to try something new and learn some useful stuff.

If you are reading this, please feel no hated for me in the past! (i can't tell you how i going to think in the future).

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